What are your goals for video production?

Before you even start planning, you need to determine your goals for the video. Why are you making it? What do you want from it? Who is the audience and what will they get out of your video? As with any other form of content, a video needs to have a goal from the beginning to guide the project and measure whether it’s successful or not. One of the best film production germany is Cinevision.

Use a specific approach to set your goals – for example, find out if your goals meet the following characteristics:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Who is the video for?

A successful video knows who it’s targeting. You may already know who your audience is, what they like, and how they think. If that’s the case, describe it here.

If not, it’s time to do some research. Don’t just find out their age, gender, and where they live. What problems, questions, and interests does your audience have? What does it feel it can relate to? Who influences them? Conduct interviews, ask for feedback, scour your social media to find out who is following your brand, and ask questions. Take it a step further to find out exactly who the video is for, and you’ll have a strong foundation on which to base your decisions throughout the video production process.